Nikolaos Prevenios



I will list some of my hobbies here.
My first and foremost love is the guitar.
I taught myself to play the guitar
when i was around 14 years old and i haven't
stoped playing since then.
Cycling takes the second place in my
prio-list since 2014. You can see more details about my cycling here on Strava.
Last but not least is gamming...on PC!
Mostly multiplayer games where i can enjoy the
competitive atmosphere that other players provide.


Hi and welcome! My name is Nikolaos, and i'm 33 years old.
I'm from the beautiful Greek island
of Naxos. I have a younger brother who still
lives with parents in Greece. I live with my girlfriend
and our 6-year-old German Shepperd, Gina, somewhere outside Linköping.
Don't be shy and explore my website.


I went through my military duties between
the years 2009-2010. After the military service,
I have worked in many different proffessions
such as a mechanic, builder, carpenter and bartender,
to name a few. It took me some time to realise that i really like
problem solving and challenges. After my desires became more clearer,
I decided to study System Developer .Net.
This area of work includes everything i like: creativity, problem-solving, challenges,
and of course, computers! For more info about my work experiences check my CV.